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10 best IOT Hardware Platforms

10 best IOT Hardware Platforms

10) Tessel 2:



Tessel 2 is an affordable yet robust IOT hardware platform powered by Atmel SMART SAMD21 Cortex M0+ processor  to control IO and Mediatek MT7260n Wi-Fi Router SOC to take care of the connectivity. The board is equipped with built-in WI-Fi , Ethernet port, USB port and runs real Node.js/io.js.


And that’s the end of 10 best IOT hardware platforms to learn and prototype devices. I hope this list might have given some idea about the platforms. However do remember there are plenty of hardware platforms available in the market and this article only listed out handful, famous and most preferred by users. So do make research on it and make sure the platform meets your needs. All the best and happy building.


Further Reading: 10 Best IoT Software Platform

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