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Top 10 ways to increase your Practical Engineering Knowledge as an Electronics Engineer

Top 10 ways to increase your Practical Engineering Knowledge as an Electronics Engineer

[tps_title]4) Get familiar with Simulation design software packages[/tps_title]


Design and simulation software like MATLAB, Xilinx, LabView, ModelSim etc., are the key skills for
an electronics engineer and sometimes can be the main reason behind getting or not getting a
job. It is very important that you should at least have beginner level working knowledge in some
of these and try to get more advance experience. Try to copy tutorial available in software help
or on online forums. There is a lot of materials for such software packages on the internet. For
diversity also try to learn software packages that are not directly related to your field for example
AutoCAD etc. Here you can find a List of Best Online Circuit Simulator.

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