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Transfer of TI’s Wi-Fi® Alliance (WFA) Certifications to SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CC3x00

Transfer of TI’s Wi-Fi® Alliance (WFA) Certifications to SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CC3x00


This document explains how to employ the Wi-Fi® Alliance (WFA) derivative certification transfer policy to transfer a WFA certification, already obtained by Texas Instruments, to a system you have developed. Texas Instruments has obtained WFA certification for its SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CC3100 and CC3200 wireless chips and modules. End products which users create that use the CC3100 or CC3200 chips or modules are eligible for consideration under the WFA derivative certification policy. The transfer of a certification using the WFA derivative certification policy is a time and money saving mechanism which allows users to mark their system with a Wi-Fi Alliance logo, and claim their system is Wi-Fi certified without having to visit a Wi-Fi Alliance authorized test lab (ATL) to perform the certification tests themselves.

