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The ARM1 processor’s flags, reverse engineered

The ARM1 processor’s flags, reverse engineered

Reading the flags

Looking at the block diagram of the ARM1 process explains some of the behavior when reading the flags.
A data processing instruction specifies three registers: the operation is performed on the first two registers and the result stored in the third.
The first register (Rn) is read over the A bus. The second register (Rm) is read over the B
bus and goes through the barrel shifter. The ALU generates the result of the operation,
which is stored to a third register (Rd) via the ALU bus.

Block diagram of the ARM1 processor showing the flags.

Block diagram of the ARM1 processor showing the flags. The flags are read via the B bus and written via the ALU bus. The flags also receive values directly from the ALU and shifter.

The block diagram above shows how the flags are connected to the chip’s buses.
The flags are separate from the register file; they are written via the ALU bus and read via the B bus. Thus, the flag value in R15 can only be accessed as the second register (Rm) via the B bus, and not as the first register (Rn) via the A bus. This explains the behavior described in the manual:

Depending on how it is accessed, register R15 in the ARM1 may or may not provide the flag values. From the manual.


Depending on how it is accessed, register R15 in the ARM1 may or may not provide the flag values. From the ARM databook, page 2-35.

The process to write data to the B bus may seem backwards.
The B bus is complemented, so a 1 on the bus indicates a 0 value.
In more detail, the B bus is pulled high in clock phase Φ2 by transistors on the right of the register file (details). In clock phase Φ1, anyone writing to the bus sends a 1 by pulling the corresponding bus line low.[5]
From the schematic, you can see that the control signal psr_oen (PSR output enable) controls putting the (complemented) flag values on the B bus.
If psr_oen is active (only in phase Φ1) and the flag value is 1, the output transistors will pull the bus to 0.

The psr_oen signal is enabled to read the flags in two cases.
The first happens when flags are being saved to R14 for a trap.
The pla2_psren (PSR enable) signal controls this;
it comes from instruction decoding at the start of a software interrupt (SWI), coprocessor instruction (i.e undefined instruction), or interrupt.
The second case is when the R15 is being read via the B bus. This is indicated when pla2_ben (B Enable) and bpc (B bus PC) are active.
The pla2_ben signal (PSR enable) comes from instruction decoding and is enabled at some point during most instructions.
The register file generates the bpc signal when the B bus accesses the PC.

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