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Make your own Katy

Make your own Katy

Steve Chamberlin wrote a how-to on building your own 68 Katy. We wrote about it previously:

Assembling the PCB requires soldering one surface mount component, the 44 pin CPLD in TQFP package. It can be soldered with a standard iron using the drag soldering method (my preference), with hot air, or with a toaster oven reflow. The rest of the components are easy through-hole parts.


You’ll need an EPROM burner to program the initial flash ROM data, as well as a JTAG programmer for the CPLD. I used a Bus Pirate with the XSVF player firmware to program the CPLD.

Project info at Big Mess o’ Wires site.

Get an assembled Bus Pirate for $30, including world-wide shipping. Also available from our friendly distributors.

