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Linting with Eclipse and the GNU ARM Embedded Launchpad compiler

Linting with Eclipse and the GNU ARM Embedded Launchpad compiler

Erich Styger of MCUonEclipse writes:

For a space project we have to make sure that things are not failing while our hardware orbits around the Mother Earth. Therefore we are using different static and dynamic analysis tools, and one of it is using PC-lint from Gimpel to catch as many errors and bugs as possible. For that project, we are using Eclipse with the GNU ARM Embedded (launchpad) ARM compiler and Eclipse as IDE with the GNU ARM Eclipse plugins. There are commercial plugins available for linting with Eclipse (e.g. Linticator), but with a few tweaks it is possible to lint with Eclipse free-of-charge. So this article is about how to lint an Eclipse project with PC-Lint.


More details at MCU on Eclipse site.

