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Learn how to play sound with Arduino by building a DIY Micro Piano

Learn how to play sound with Arduino by building a DIY Micro Piano

In this video we are going to learn how to make sound with Arduino. We are going to build a simple Micro Piano in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the tone function. Let’s start!

Playing back sound is great for adding audio feedback to our projects. So far we were using displays or LEDs in order to provide feedback to the user of the project. Today we will learn how to make sound with Arduino and as you are going to find out, it is very easy.


In order to demonstrate the sound capabilities of the Arduino Uno, I have built a simple project, a micro Piano. Each time I press a button, Arduino makes a sound of a specific frequency for each button. The frequencies correspond to specific music notes, we have 7 buttons, so we can have 7 notes! So, let’s try it. I am going to play a simple song using the available notes.

Learn how to play sound with Arduino by building a DIY Micro Piano – [Link]

