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FISHINO becomes Mega

FISHINO becomes Mega


The presentation of the second board of the Fishino series ends here, we forewarn about the forthcoming issue concerning the next board, that will be Fishino Guppy: this board, that is compatible with Arduino Nano, is distinguished from it because it is supplied with WiFi, microSD and switching power source with a battery, all features that are typical of our technological “little fish”.


Available libraries

Currently two libraries for Fishino’s management have been created, they are described as follows.


  • Fishino library: it exactly corresponds to Arduino’s Ethernet or WiFi library. In  this library the FishinoClass classes (low level management, analogous to Arduino’s EthernetClass or WiFiClass) are defined, and the respective FishinoClient classes (analogous to EthernetClient and WiFiClient), FishinoSecureClient (not found in the original libraries, it enables connections to the  SSL/HTTPS secure servers) and FishinoServer (EthernetServer and WiFiServer). These classes are used in a way that is almost identical to the original ones, therefore in the existing sketches that use Ethernet or WiFi, it is sufficient to change the type of the various variables in order to achieve their functioning with Fishino’s WiFi. The only (slight) differences concern the initialization, given that Fishino’s WiFi module is provided with additional features, with respect to the original WiFi.
  • FishinoWebServer library: this is the porting of the well-known TinyWebServer on Fishino; it enables the creation of a complete web server on the board. Moreover, in the download package a Flash library has been added, since it is used by FishinoWebServer in order to move the constants in the Flash memory, thus freeing the little RAM memory available. However, this library may still be found on the Internet, but we attached it for ease of use. The remaining libraries that are needed are already available in the various downloads for Arduino’s IDE; in particular, the SD (for the management of the microSD cards) and the RTClib (for the management of the RTC module with the DS1307) are needed, along with other system libraries. The libraries are continuously developed and soon they will be supplied with additional functions; the management of the additional digital I/Os found on the ESPCONN connector has already been recently implemented, while the management of the serial, of the analog input and of the PWM outputs (still on the ESPCONN connector)  is to be expected shortly.


In the download package other libraries are found, they are mostly used for the demos that have been developed and/or that will be developed in the future; we advise to install the whole content in the dedicated Arduino folder.


Original article published at Open Electronics.



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