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Add a Rapid-Fire Button to Your Mouse Using a 555 Timer

Add a Rapid-Fire Button to Your Mouse Using a 555 Timer

Does your finger get tired easily while playing video games? Ever wish you could pwn n00bs faster than the speed of light without ever breaking a sweat? This will show you how.
Yes, that’s any mouse, following these simple steps
For this Instructable, you will need:
555 Timer IC:
8-Pin IC Socket (static discharge or heat from soldering tends to ruin 555s, so we use a socket):
10 K Resistor:
1 K Resistor:
4.7 uF Capacitor (voltage doesn’t matter, as long as it’s 5V or over):
Normally-Open Pushbutton Switch (any kind will do):
Some wire:
Glue (to adhere the switch to the mouse, so hot glue or epoxy will work well for this):
Soldering Iron:
Wire snips:
Fine-nosed Pliers:


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