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A cool smartphone 3D hologram and other Colombian projects

A cool smartphone 3D hologram and other Colombian projects

Green and beautiful mountains and hills!

That’s what I saw on Wednesday, flying into Medellin in Colombia.

It was such an exciting feeling.

I didn’t know much about Colombia before arriving here.

One of the things that I’ve noticed here in Medellin, is how innovative they are:

There’s free WiFi in the parks and other public places.

Poor neighborhoods with lots of hills have free escalators to make it easy for workers to get to and from the city.

They have a public space with tools to build electronics.

They’re improving their traditional industries, like food and coffee, using new technology:

For example by helping farmers sell their vegetables directly to the you and me with a mobile app.

My Spanish isn’t very good yet.


But I found this article from a hackerspace here, where they’ve built a hologram from a smartphone:

This weekend, I was invited to take part in project here.

It’s a project to enable people of Colombia to come up with their own solutions in their own communities, using technology.

I didn’t have time.

But I said yes anyway, because I get to play with electronics and solve real problems.

More on that, when I know more.

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Keep on Soldering!

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